Parker's Spicy Honey Chicken

This Spicy Honey Chicken Recipe is so simple, you’ll feel like you cheated!


  • 5 lbs thawed chicken breasts
  • 1 C. honey
  • 2 C. Parker’s


  1. Marinate chicken breasts, honey, and Parker’s in an air tight container and refrigerate 2-4 hours.
  2. When ready to cook, add everything, including marinade to a large skillet and bring to a boil. Reduce heat, cover, and simmer for 25 minutes turning chicken every 5-7 minutes. Now uncover and simmer an additional 15 minutes, continuing to turn chicken every 3-5 minutes to prevent charring. The marinade will reduce during cooking and make a beautiful glaze! Remove from heat and let sit 10 mins, then serve. 

~We love making this simple recipe for ourselves, and for entertaining guests. When the weather permits, we will “take it outside” and grill or smoke the chicken as well. We love to pair this dish with wild rice and freshly steamed vegetables, and your leftover chicken (if you have any) is great to add to a salad. The versatility of the Spicy Honey Chicken Recipe is really one of our favorite aspects. Our fans have repeatedly told us how they have used this base marinade idea and explored adding their favorite fresh herbs to the recipe to customize the flavors even more toward their individual palette preferences.

With the flavor of Parker’s Hangover Tonic melded with the natural sweet taste of honey, this chicken will dance on your taste buds, without the hand pinching, elbow flapping, tail wagging and clapping usually associated with the chicken dance! We hope you enjoy the Spicy Honey Chicken Recipe, and please let us know in the comments how you have used it. We can never have too much input, and hey, if you love Bloody Mary’s or Caesar’s, don’t have to be a chicken, try this recipe out!

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