About Us
The company started when Amy Eisenzimer (then Amy Parker), a Caesar aficionado, desired to not only enjoy the perfect Caesar or Bloody Mary, but enjoy the drink every time it was ordered. This desire paired with her entrepreneurial spirit, support and encouragement from family and friends, and interest from a few local taverns, saw a woman with a great recipe begin to commercialize her creation. She began the lengthy process of learning how to secure licensing through the state, prepare the mix properly for consumer use and retail sale, and create, label and package her recipe to ready it for distribution. By 2010, her recipe officially became the Bloody Mary and Caesar drink mix, Parker’s Hangover Tonic, and was ready to satisfy customers’ thirst for a perfect Bloody Mary or Caesar commercially.
Thanks for sticking with us and remember – share with your friends, they’ll be glad you did!

About Amy
This “little” project started several years ago as just an idea in Amy’s head. Not knowing where it would go, or if it would even work, she decided to give it a go…and she’s so glad she did!
In the beginning, Amy balanced work and growing Parker’s but found it to be a bit overwhelming. Her philosophy is if you’re going to do something, do it right! So she quit her job and focused 100% on growing the best Bloody Mary and Caesar mix around!!