Shake n Bacon
How often do you dream of bacon? Bacon on hamburgers, in burritos, crumbled on fries, or tucked neatly on a sandwich? At Parker’s, we dream of bacon, too, and think that for too long it’s been shackled to the confines of solid food. That’s why we love a good bacon vodka! And making your own is easy and fun (especially if you quality control the bacon in the process). Follow along with our bacon infusion below and let us know if this drink is the one for you.
Most store-bought bacon vodkas have a slick and oily aftertaste, which some may find off-putting in a mixed drink. Making your own is easy and can be made to taste, letting you create the ideal cocktail.
To start, you’ll need at least a half pound (about 12 strips) of bacon. If you’re like us, not all the bacon will make it to the vodka, and you’ll want some as a garnish, so maybe just go for the full pound and call it a day. You’ll also need about a liter of vodka. As with all cooking, what you put in is what you put out, so something in a glass bottle may serve you better than the bottom shelf.
For easier infusion, it’s best to keep the bacon a little limp–crumbling isn’t ideal, as you want the fat to infuse in to the vodka. Put the 12 pieces of cooked bacon and the vodka in a seal-able container, like a mason jar. Store at room temperature for four to five days. When you’re ready to separate the bacon from your vodka, simply strain out the bacon and larger pieces of grease, and then freeze the container. Rapid cooling causes the fat and water to separate, making the straining process easier. Before the vodka and grease are completely solidified, start straining. Run the vodka through coffee filters, being sure to change out the filter when the vodka stops dripping through. The more times you filter your vodka, the more oil and grease are removed, leaving you with the best possible product.
After you’ve created the best bacon vodka around, it’s time to enjoy that smokey, flavorful spirit in a fun and summery cocktail, like our Makin’ Bacon!